Contact Mönchshof

Do you have any questions or comments about our speciality beers? Then please get in touch by phone or using the contact form! We look forward to hearing from you and will reply as soon as possible.


Where to Find Us

Building address:

Mönchshof BrauSpezialitäten
c/o Kulmbacher Brauerei
Lichtenfelser Straße 9
95326 Kulmbach

Postal address:

Mönchshof BrauSpezialitäten
c/o Kulmbacher Brauerei
Postfach 18 60
95310 Kulmbach


Tel.:  +49 9221 / 705-0
Fax:  +49 9221 / 705-292
E-Mail: info(at)mö

Get in touch!

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